We only sell to resellers and distributors.
No individual consumer sales!

BtoBvitamin is an internet based B2B solution refers to electronic transactions between and among manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
-Finding customers through sales and marketing
-Enabling just-in-time (JIT) ordering/shipping and moving warehousing costs to suppliers
-Distributed web-based database applications for companies spread across wide geographical area to keep track of sales, inventory, stock transfer and internal order management.
-R&D. Product (or service) development
-Selling to retail and wholesale customers and through distributors
-Enabling distributors and customers to do your marketing for you
-Sales & Marketing reporting system between a franchisor and its franchisees or between a manufacturer and its distributors.

BtoBvitamin is an internet based B2B solution refers to electronic transactions between and among manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers.
-Finding customers through sales and marketing
-Enabling just-in-time (JIT) ordering/shipping and moving warehousing costs to suppliers
-Distributed web-based database applications for companies spread across wide geographical area to keep track of sales, inventory, stock transfer and internal order management.
-R&D. Product (or service) development
-Selling to retail and wholesale customers and through distributors
-Enabling distributors and customers to do your marketing for you
-Sales & Marketing reporting system between a franchisor and its franchisees or between a manufacturer and its distributors.

e-Commerce for business to business
Between manufacturers & wholesalers to retailers accociated with health food, vitamins.